

The mind is a weird thing isn't it? That voice that everybody has. That voice that tells you what to do. The voice that you argue with when you aren't sure of something. When you're laying alone in bed, the voice can be the only thing to keep you company. It can either reassure you that everything is going to be alright.  Or it's that voice that drives you insane. It questions what you are doing with your life.  It questions the ways of this fucked up world.  Laying awake in bed, staring at the ceiling. Even if you aren't talking out loud, you're having a conversation with yourself. Asking why.  Why can't life be simpler? It always seemed so easy growing up. Always wanting to be older so you can do cool stuff like driving a car, riding a motorbike and going out for a drink.  You leave school, get thrown into this swirling shit hole called life. You have to find a job, yet it never pays enough. Everything is so fucking expensive! You do

Angry Washing Machine!

Here is an Angry Washing Machine.... Hope you all enjoyed that. I've not posted on here in a while, by a while I mean about 2 or 3 years. I looked the other day but I can't remember when my last post was.  My main reason for coming back on here was because I've told a mate to start a blog (He's not started it yet, but when he does link will be posted!) as it is a good way to vent about random shit, not to anyone you know and occasionally people reply to you about your wierd and wonderful opinions. Really I should start doing this properly and write something that people might actually want to read, instead of some shit in my life that nobody actually cares about.  EDIT: His blog is So... Life.  Not really being able to remember what I was talking about in my previous posts and what I was doing at the time, I may as well start again. I'm currently a freelance Noise Boy. Living in West London.  I love my motorbikes

Dude what's happening?

I knew I hadn't posted in a lock time bit really since 6th December? Not sure where it went.... Actually I kinda do, New job, motorcycle and a lot of petrol..... There's a lot I've missed and been meaning to start writing on my blog again for ages! Just never got round to it or couldn't be bothered or it was misfiring... Wait what? That's the racing drivers excuse, still stands. Something else would get in the way and stop me from writing these pointless posts. Then I had the genius idea of starting a blog for my work, so got that up and running and discovered I can't chat quite as much shit on that as I can on my own. So here we are now. Time for an epic update of my life! I love my bike I really don't know what I would do without it now. I started riding in September last year, starting as a complete noob now I live in it. I work in a motorcycle clothing shop. I love working there, it brilliant! My mates all ride bikes or drive nice cars. I live the life

Update time!

Can't believe that I've had 708 views! Considering that I barely even post on here any more it's quite impressive! Well EVERYTHING has changed since I last posted... which I can't remember when that was...  I broke up with my girlfriend a few weeks ago... again! So that started things off on a happy note...  I've been doing work for a motorcycle clothing and accessories store called Gear 4 Gears. (The shop I mentioned in my last post) Since then I started running their eBay shop for them, which is getting there! New items are being added almost every day and there are various offers on there as well. I'll stick a link just about here -->  Gear 4 Gears Store . I have build the shop header my self using HTML, which I am also teaching myself for the job so I can do website designs etc as well. I'm starting to work there full time from January next year, so I shall be quitting my job at the Post Office!  It will be sad to say bye to some of the custom

I've given up thinking of names for my posts...

As I just talk about all sorts of shit, I'm not really bothering with titles anymore, I'll put something completely irrelevant to my post... Like I have been for quite a while now thinking about it... Anyways!  The show must go on! In recent news I got back together with my girlfriend, Katie last week so I'm happy about that, I've missed her lots. Felt sort of lost without her being there next to me through everything. Even though we used to argue I still loved her and couldn't let go. (I know this is really soppy, but hey ho).  The thing that does make me feel like shit though it that because of everything that I have going on with work etc, I don't get to see her as much as I would like to. I enjoy spending time with her. Katie came over on Sunday and we got to sit on the sofa and watch 'Lizard Lick Towing' together, which was nice. Even when I went to go to Tesco to get some doughnuts and crashed my bike on the way, she dealt with it well (even

Haven't been on here for a while

Sorry guys... I haven't been on here for a while. I was quite busy for a while and I completely forgot that I had a blog. I can't remember what my last post was about so I'll do a quick run through of what I've been up to over the past few months.  I was a technician at the Daily Mail Chalke Valley History Festival which was great fun! Although it was really hard work it was an experience. In August I turned 17 so was able to do my CBT in order to get my little 125cc motorbike. I went to Turkey at the end of August which was *great*  fun, it was my first time abroad!  I've got my bike which is a Yamaha YBR 125 called Squeaky. I'll probably post a picture on here sometime in the near future.  Looking for another job in the new year so hopefully that will go somewhere, also hoping that it technical work will kick off, which would be good fun. But for now I'm stuck in the Post Office until after Christmas. One last thing I would like to do some advertis

Life as I know it

By now, you've probably guessed that the title's to my posts don't always relate to what I'm rambling on about. This is going to be one of those posts, just so you know! I'm currently getting ready for a show called 10/10 A Decade of Musicals which I'm doing sound (sort of) I'm meant to be doing mike changes back stage for the cast. But I did spend a large chunk of yesterday setting up the Yamaha LS9 so I do know what I'm doing! I'll probably have more updates about that this weekend/ next week, depending when I get around to doing another post. My other blog which is about how techy stuff works is on hold for now because it's involving far more work than I expected so might do another post in the near future when I get around to it.  I discovered the other day that I wouldn't know what to do without one of my closest friends, Becka. Also found out that she knows far too much about me! But we look out for each other and help each other